The End Of The World


tehe only teasing. Welcome to the Obscure minds of Dan & Beth. The Coolest kids on the block (baring in mind that they are the only two kids on their block, therefore rendering them both the coolest). They as two people wonder about things; life, universe and lol cats. Anyhow, they had the idea of spontaneously creating a blog when talking on ... MSN, the mind boggeling chatting machine. Well, we'll let you get on and actually read the blog now... you know... because thats what your here for.
Usefull hint:
DAN Writes in ORANGE BETH Writes in RED.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Fear of the dark.

As a child, we all share one common fear. A fear of the dark. A seemingly irrational fear, a fear of what could be. Eventually we all realize that there is nothing there and that there really is nothing to fear. So, I'm interested to find out when did you get over your fear of the dark? (That's if you where a normal child like the rest of us.)

Now this is a silly question. I have never been afraid of the dark; I'm always afraid of whats in the dark. I have a very active Imagination, which means the shadows that the darkness creates (and yes it does create shadows unless you are in the pitch black where absolutely no light could reach) turn into creatures. I used to have tigers roaming my bedroom at night, in fact a couple of months a go i thought i had a turbaned man in my bathroom O__o yeah, that was weird. Now you say this is a fear of what could be, urm mine seemingly seems to be a fear of what couldn't be there. A not so irrational fear is when you are immersed in total darkness, of which i have been before whe i was caving. Your fear then is not irational, because you are scared of where you might tread and if there is nothing beneath you.

Anyway, in answer to your question. No i was never afraid of the dark because that was silly. I has a nightlight i used so i could read in to all hours of the night, but then that would go off. Then i would sit there stroking the tigers that roamed my room, and talking to the shadows. DOes that mean i'm not a normal child?

... Yes it does, weirdo ;)

1 comment:

  1. I lost my fear of the dark when i realised that we're all going to die anyway, there's nothing we can do about it. There's more chance of this happening in broad day light than in the dark.
