Another theory of mine is that time is relative to the observer. Like at the event horizon of a black whole, ( which not even time can escape ) time seems to be slowing down but it wouldn't feel like we were moving any slower but that people or objects further away from the event horizon are moving faster that us. Also, because when we fall asleep, we slip into a state of unconsciousness ( the REM state ). In this state we don't experience the normal effects of time. Our dreams may feel only seconds long but we could have been asleep for days! Hours pass like seconds, all the while a companion of yours could have been sitting up awake feeling boredom grip them while the person who was asleep would have already experienced those many hours as just a few seconds and has already progressed through the normal effects of time and has already moved on. I doubt you understood the last paragraph but it makes sense in my brain!
I get you Dan. Probably because I sail, and when you capsize sailing 1 of 2 things ether happens. The capsize is super fast and you and up strung up in the water with ropes around your legs, or the capsize happens so slowly that you can watch the whole thing happening but still don't have time to make it over the boat to do a dry capsize. I would also just like to quote a little thing from Doctor Who here "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " I hope that makes it easier to understand. Maybe in our life, the moments that go fast time is taken away from us and added to the moments that go really slow. Everyone has to be living in 'now', so time has to make up for these moments of time-loss.
I hate to put across this theory because I'm atheist however we like to include all theories that we can think of. If there are 'things' up there controlling stuff, then maybe there is something up there controlling time, I mean its very hard to keep especially in jars. So say these 'Time Keepers' tried to keep track of where all the time goes, who gets it and who doesn't. but of course transporting time would be a tad like transporting sand, you loose some on the way, it trickles out of slightly open jars and finds its way into someones life.
Another theory with I am now going to slightly steel and it did feature slightly in the last paragraph, is one that Terry Pratchett Developed in his discworld books and it features highly in 'Thief Of Time' where specialised monks r-cycle waisted time. However i'm not going to explaine that theory because it would take to long and i would miss things out and everthing would become muddled. So i would advise you to read the book yourself. ^__^
I get you Dan. Probably because I sail, and when you capsize sailing 1 of 2 things ether happens. The capsize is super fast and you and up strung up in the water with ropes around your legs, or the capsize happens so slowly that you can watch the whole thing happening but still don't have time to make it over the boat to do a dry capsize. I would also just like to quote a little thing from Doctor Who here "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " I hope that makes it easier to understand. Maybe in our life, the moments that go fast time is taken away from us and added to the moments that go really slow. Everyone has to be living in 'now', so time has to make up for these moments of time-loss.
I hate to put across this theory because I'm atheist however we like to include all theories that we can think of. If there are 'things' up there controlling stuff, then maybe there is something up there controlling time, I mean its very hard to keep especially in jars. So say these 'Time Keepers' tried to keep track of where all the time goes, who gets it and who doesn't. but of course transporting time would be a tad like transporting sand, you loose some on the way, it trickles out of slightly open jars and finds its way into someones life.
Another theory with I am now going to slightly steel and it did feature slightly in the last paragraph, is one that Terry Pratchett Developed in his discworld books and it features highly in 'Thief Of Time' where specialised monks r-cycle waisted time. However i'm not going to explaine that theory because it would take to long and i would miss things out and everthing would become muddled. So i would advise you to read the book yourself. ^__^
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